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Understand Your Core Values

Updated: May 13, 2023

Wherever you might be on your life journey, you will for sure change in the years to come. "Understand Your Core Values" is a personal leadership workshop meant to help you become more empowered and confident in your personal decision making process.

Nobody wants to get stuck in the same place for the rest of her life. I am sure that if you just look back at the last five years, you will identify a few things that completely changed who you are today. New life events, new people, new projects, new perspectives.

Change is inevitable, but it's not always aligned with who we truly are and who we want to become, unless we take the time to reflect and work with ourselves. We sometimes take decisions that feel good on the short term but they will make us feel meaningless and empty hearted on the long run.

Taking the time to reflect on what is really important to us is not an easy exercise, but it's a necessary step in designing and creating the fulfilled life we want for ourselves. A life where we feel in the driver seat, where we are the director, and not just a random actor in a supporting role.

One way of understanding what makes us happy and more aligned to the best version of ourselves, is discovering our core values. Values are one’s judgements of what is important in life. They can change depending on the life stage we’re in, but not radically. They are linked to who we are as personality, motivations, and shaped beliefs. Values are influenced by the culture we grew up in, by our family and environment. They are subjective and personal.

Values are like the North Star, helping us find direction when we’re lost and providing a safety net for when we need to take decisions fast and do the right thing without thinking too hard.

What Is the Workshop About?

This is a personal leadership workshop, designed to help you better understand yourself and to discover what is most important for you long term. You cannot use your full potential, feel creative and empowered, unless you know your strengths, you have clarity on who you want to become and what's the most important for you. This is an active and focused workshop, not a webinar. I take a very practical approach and guide you through a process of filtering down the most important values for you. It will be hands-on, including several exercises, so be prepared with pen and paper. Working with ourselves is an active endeavor. It's not enough to just read a book or listen to a podcast to make real positive changes happen.

It doesn't matter if you worked with values before, the workshop will still be a great opportunity for you to refine, reflect and deepen your understanding.

I will share my own journey of discovering my core values and give you some tips and tricks about how to work with values in your day to day life. Values are best observed in action, as they guide us in everything we do.

How Will This Workshop Help You?

We all make on average 35.000 decisions every day. Big and complicated ones like “I will take this new job and move to a new country with my family”, or small ones like “I will have fish for dinner, instead of chicken”.

Every decision you take, uses a bit of your willpower so the more time you spend on each decision, the more depleted you will feel.

Having your core values always clear, will help you take decisions easier, without ruminating and overthinking. Whenever you are in a stressful situation and self-doubt overwhelms you, reminding yourself why you do what you do, will boost your confidence and help you act from your creative energy and not from fear.

How Can You Join the Workshop?

This is a free workshop, but you have to Sign Up here. I will share the meeting details closer to the date.

The workshop will take place on Zoom and will last for 2 hours.

Kindly register only when you are sure you can show up, and block the time in your calendar so you don't forget about it.

If you participated to another Sparking Drive workshop and it helped you in any way, share this page with a friend and subscribe to my newsletter for a monthly dose of drive and inspiration.

You can always schedule a Free Change Strategy discovery session, by writing at or in the Contact form.


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